关于小佩PETKIT小佩是一个专为宠物创造科技产品的品牌,成立于2013年。希望将科技带入宠物行业,专为宠物研发智能产品,让宠物也能享受和人一样通过科技创造的美好生活。10年专注宠物智能领域,如今,PETKIT小佩已成为国内宠物智能产品TOP1品牌,产品覆盖全球四十多个国家,服务数百万宠物家庭。In 2013, PETKIT redefines pet parenting with innovative solutions, now trusted by 5 million users in over 40 countries. Our mission is to offer comprehensive health insights, focusing on pets' overall well-being. "The Technology That Cares" drives our user-friendly products, from feeders to litter boxes, creating a smart pet care ecosystem.品牌产品推荐1、小佩智能全自动猫厕所ULTRA(可视版)小佩全球首款带摄像头的AI全自动猫厕所,在早期预警宠物泌尿和肠胃健康方面实现了重大突破。通过AI技术支持的集成摄像头实时捕捉猫咪尿团便团的数据,进行观察并分析,更好的了解宠物健康。1、180° 旋转摄像头,内外都能看2、210° 超广角,记录猫咪如厕全过程3、AI多猫面部识别4、真正的全自动:自动铲屎,自动打包,自动换袋5、10L大容量集便仓,20天超续航6、封闭式集便仓,隔绝臭味PETKIT PUROBOT ULTRA WITH CAMERAThe PUROBOT ULTRA represents a game-changing solution for busy cat parents seeking a fresh, low-maintenance litter environment for their furry companions. It also marks the first time in the smart pet care industry that a single solution can provide such AI-backed in-depth analysis of a pet's health status, offering proactive care for pets' welfare. By bridging the communication gap between cats and their owners, the PUROBOT ULTRA ensures cats' health is continuously monitored through sophisticated AI camera technology, providing invaluable insights without sacrificing convenience. This next-generation cat litter box is equipped with:20 Days of Free-scooping180°Rotation Auto-tracking CameraMulti-cat Facial RecognitionTouch-free Auto Waste PackingIn-app Health Records InsightsHealth-oriented Stool MonitoringTriple Odor Control
2、小佩智能可视双子星喂食器(可视版)不止看见,让喂食更强大140°超广角镜头,宠物的专属吃饭机位,通过摄像头智能侦测识别,结合精密算法,出粮、吃饭都会给你推送消息,进食看得见,喂养更安心。拥有独立双仓储存空间,你可以根据宠物的饮食习惯,将冻干、风干粮、膨化粮等分别倒入不同的仓内,每个仓都可以独立控制,做到智能调配。它极大的满足了宠物不同时期的喂养需求,换粮期,或是需要额外补充营养的时期(老年期、恢复期等),通过双仓控制实现营养多元。PETKIT YUMSHARE DUAL-HOPPERWith a built-in AI camera, this model allows pet parents to monitor their pet’s feeding, eating habits, and overall well-being through 24/7 video recordings. The dual-hopper design and 5L (21-cup) capacity store and dispense two types of food separately, making it ideal for multi-cat households looking to customize nutrition, such as serving both kibble and treats. The triple-lock fresh system, anti-blockage technology, and AI-powered food remaining control ensure pets always have access to fresh food without surplus, while two-way audio keeps pet owners connected with their pets remotely.